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 PDF) Sexting Behaviors and Cyber Pornography Addiction Among Adolescents:  the Moderating Role of Alcohol Consumption
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 PDF) Psychometric properties of the Sexting Motivations Questionnaire for  adolescents and young adults
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 PDF) Sexting as the mirror on the wall: Body-esteem attribution, media  models, and objectified-body consciousness
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 PDF) What are you sexting? Parental practices, sexting attitudes and  behaviors among Italian adolescents
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 PDF) Love in Quarantine: Sexting, Stress, and Coping During the COVID‑19  Lockdown
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 PDF) Just Checking It Out? Motivations for and Behavioral Associations With  Visiting “Slutpages” in the United States and Australia
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 PDF] Image-based sexual abuse: The extent, nature, and predictors of  perpetration in a community sample of Australian residents | Semantic  Scholar
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 PDF) “The Only Thing I Want is for People to Stop Seeing Me Naked”:  Consent, Contracts, and Sexual Media
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 PDF] Image-based sexual abuse: The extent, nature, and predictors of  perpetration in a community sample of Australian residents | Semantic  Scholar
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 Retribution-style adult image-based sexual abuse : crime scripting, CRAVED  and situational crime prevention | Semantic Scholar
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 PDF) Sexting as a Form of Sexual Expression or Part of The Continuum of  Sexual Exploitation
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 PDF] Image-based sexual abuse: The extent, nature, and predictors of  perpetration in a community sample of Australian residents | Semantic  Scholar
Details By Semantic Scholar
 PDF) Abusive Sexting in Adolescence: Prevalence and Characteristics of  Abusers and Victims
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 PDF) Regrasrupturas do “contrato” amoroso entre adolescentes: o papel do  abuso digital
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